- Where is my order?
- You'll find the Order Confirmation email once the payment is done. It will show the delivery date and tracking no.after the order ships out.
- Can I track the delivery of my order?
- You'll receive a shipping confirmation email once your order is on its way. We are using FedEx for all shipment.
- Is that free delivery? What is the shipping terms?
- All shipments are FCA Japan and shipping fee is charged by the customers. We will use your FedEx account no. (Filled in at the Account Registration) or we will charge the shipping cost if you do not have any FedEx account.
- When will I receive the order?
- If there is stock available, we can ship out from Japan within 3-5 days after the payment is settled.
- Can I exchange my order?
- Sorry that if you confirmed the order by settling the payment, no cancellable or change is allowed, so please check carefully when you settle the payment.
Order issues
- Can I cancel my order after I've placed it?
- If you've paid for your order, you won't be able to cancel your order.
- I'm missing an item from my order, what do I do?
We're sorry there's an item missing from your order. Before contacting our team, we recommend checking the following:
- We may have sent your items in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your items will be arriving separately.
- The item/s you ordered may have been out of stock. It's worth checking your emails (including your junk/spam) to see if we've sent you an email bout this.
- If you've placed multiple orders within a few days, your ordermay have been combined and split across multiple parcels.
If you have an item missing from your order, please let us know within 7 days of your order being delivered and we'll do our best to help you. - How can I cancel my oder?
- Each order is valid for one week to keep the same price. If you cannot settle the payment within the period, the order will be automatically released and you need to start over again to get the update price.
Product & Stock
- Is that all sizes and stock available when I place order?
- Once we receive the order, we will check the stock availbility in the backstage. After that, we will reply you by email and mention the expected delivery date. You can confirm the order by settle the payment in FULL. In general, we will have all sizes available unless some clients place a big order suddenly. We serve the stock to client under first-come-first-serve basis.
- Do you offer a wholesale discount for bulk buying?
- As we're targeting on Manufacturers and Wholesalers, the price shown in the pricelist is already our wholesale price.